Category: General

5 Key Steps To Asphalt Maintenance

If you own an asphalt driveway, parking lot, road, or other surface, you know that asphalt is a significant investment. Asphalt doesn’t come cheap! A simple asphalt driveway could cost you several thousand dollars - not to mention parking lots or miles upon miles of roadway. If you’ve invested money into your asphalt, you likely... Read more »

Asphalt Reconstruction vs. Patching: Making Informed Choices for Long-lasting Pavement

If you're a property manager or own a private road or other paved surface, you'll need to decide how to maintain and repair the asphalt. Should you patch the cracks and potholes, or is complete reconstruction a better option? These decisions can be costly, and you must choose the best option for your situation. These... Read more »

Does Sealcoating Work in California?

Sealcoat should be the primary component of any asphalt maintenance plan. And, yes, it’s necessary in California, even if temperatures aren’t freezing. Learn more!

HOA Road Maintenance Basics

HOA Road Maintenance Basics

Private roads may need more frequent and more extensive maintenance due to cost-cutting during the initial construction. This can turn private road maintenance into a ticking time bomb for the residents who need to drive on them — and for the HOA’s that have the responsibility to maintain them.

Concrete Repair in Santa Barbara

The crew of the top commercial paving company in Valencia, California, working on an asphalt installation project.

Concrete repair is a critical component of structural stabilizations, restoration, and strengthening projects. Over time, the repair of concrete becomes necessary as deterioration of the embedded reinforcement results in cracking and spalling of the concrete material; if left unabated, deterioration will occur.

A Guide On Asphalt Paving

The equipment that GPM Pavement Management uses for asphalt paving needs throughout California.

Asphalt is both flexible and durable, but not all asphalt is the same. You wouldn’t want to install the same asphalt used on a freeway on a quiet parking lot. This is why it’s important to have experts ensure you get the right material to best address the needs of your particular project. Using the right material will improve durability, appearance, and cost-effectiveness.